Category: Doing Business

Doing business with XMBO trading B.V. as your partner for stocklots, residual stocks, overstock, surplus stock and excess inventory.

Branded Consumer Goods

Branded Consumer Goods

Our focus is mainly on branded consumer goods, and to a lesser extent industrial goods and (semi-)finished products. We are well aware of how crucial it is to protect the regular sales markets of...

XMBO Trading Purchases Excess Stocks

XMBO Trading Purchases Excess Stocks

XMBO Trading purchases excess stocks or residual stocks resulting from product renewal or innovation, leftover stocks from previous collections and slower running models. In several industries, especially those that rely heavily on technological advancements,...

Trading Purchases Residual and Surplus Stocks

XMBO Trading Purchases Residual and Surplus Stocks

XMBO Trading purchases residual and surplus stocks from business closures, bankruptcies or impending closure. We provide immediate liquidity for your company. Business closures do happen, and personal or financial circumstances may result in ceasing...

The World of Purchasing and Selling Goods

The World of Purchasing and Selling Goods

In the world of purchasing and selling goods, XMBO Trading plays an essential role, comparable to that of other fellow buyers. We buy and sell goods resulting from overproduction, canceled orders, bankruptcies and other...