Selling Goods from Overstock
At XMBO Trading we understand that selling goods from overstock is an important step for your business. That is why we have developed a simple and efficient process so that you can quickly reach us for all your questions and wishes. If you would like to sell a batch of goods to us, you can contact us using the form on the homepage of our website, or you can simply call us or send us a message via WhatsApp. Try to provide you with as clear and comprehensive information as possible to make the process even faster. Data such as Product, name, brand, model number, EAN code, quantity, regular purchase and sales price, images, etc.
Selling Goods from Overstock
We will contact you within 12 hours of your contact request to discuss the details. Once we have assessed your offer and if you are interested, we will make you an attractive offer. If you agree to our offer, we will take care of the financial settlement as efficiently as possible. You will receive the pre-agreed amount directly into your bank account, so that the transaction runs smoothly. This allows you to quickly access new liquidity, allowing you to fully concentrate on your core business without having to worry about excess inventory. Our goal is to support you in optimizing your business operations, so that you can focus on growth and development. XMBO Trading strives for transparency and customer satisfaction in all its transactions. If you want to sell goods, our team is ready to guide you and ensure you have the best possible experience. We believe in smooth processing and excellent communication, so that you can do business with us with confidence. Contact us today and discover what we can do for your company. We look forward to serving you!